CCF Tea is Ayurveda's magic tea. The combination of whole coriander, cumin and fennel seeds makes for an all-season, tridoshic blend. Ground spices can be used as well, but please note the measurements and preparation method slightly changes. If you don't have fennel, or you want more of a zing, you can replace it with grated ginger root, making it a CCG Tea.
CCF Tea is a great digestive tea- if you skip a meal, or if you're hungry too close to bedtime, opt for this tea to stimulate digestive fluids. Its naturally cleansing properties make it a great tea to drink in the springtime, and its cooling qualities make it highly suitable to add to your summer kitchen.
Known benefits of CCF Tea:
Gently detoxifying and cleansing
Digestive aid
Strengthens agni / digestive fire
Stokes metabolism
Post-meal digestive aid
Reduces gas and bloating
Relieves congestion
Cooling, calming and grounding
Purifying - Soothing - Stimulating
Flavor profile: savory, sweet, pungent and bitter.
4 cups water
1 heaping tsp cumin seeds
1 heaping tsp coriander seeds
1 heaping tsp fennel seeds
*Optional: 1 tbsp raw honey and / or fresh squeeze of lemon juice
Place water and spices in a small pot and bring to a boil. Turn heat down to a simmer for 5 minutes, or turn off heat completely and let tea steep for 10 minutes. Remove from heat and strain liquid into a mug. Option to add honey and or lemon to your CCF Tea.
Makes 2 servings
Takes 5 minutes
Copyright 2024, A. Chavez, Original Recipe.